Toyota Dealer near Gilbert Creek WV

Toyota Dealer Near Gilbert Creek WV

When you buy a car, you want to consider the places you need to go. Where do your travels take you? What kind of vehicle do you need to be most successful on the road?

Toyota has something for you. There are many different models to choose from that can supply you with the resources you need to reach your destination, get the job done, and take on new adventures. Here at Thornhill Toyota, we invite you to come to our Toyota dealer near Gilbert Creek, WV, and see everything that we can offer you. Learn more in this article.

Get the Right Toyota Vehicle

Toyota is known for providing drivers with reliable vehicles that can handle any task on the road. You can choose a model—like the Toyota Camry or Toyota Corolla—that is the perfect sedan for your daily commute. You can choose an SUV—like the Toyota RAV4 or Toyota Highlander—that is a great fit for the whole family. You can tackle any job at the workplace with a truck like the Toyota Tacoma.

There is also a selection of used and certified pre-owned Toyota vehicles at our dealership. We make it a goal to provide you with the options you need to get on the road in a vehicle that gives you performance, technology, safety, and comfort.

You can see what we have on our lot from the comfort of your home. Browse our selection of new, used, and certified pre-owned vehicles and narrow down your options. Then you can come and see us, take a test drive of the vehicle of your choosing, and find the right fit for the road.

Make the Deal With Our Finance Team

Toyota Dealership near Gilbert Creek WV

Once you choose a vehicle, you’ll want to construct a deal that allows you to get on the road right away. You’ll have a feeling of excitement finding a vehicle that fits your needs, so you’ll want to make sure you can enjoy it fully by working on a deal that also meets your needs.

Our finance team is here to help you make the deal. We go through the entire process with you. Our first step is to lay the foundation of the deal and build it up and give you options. We’ll present these options to you in detail and answer your questions to give you more confidence.

We can get started on this process before your visit—just fill out the online finance application and our team will start putting together the right deal for you.

Keep Up With Toyota Service

Toyota Dealer near Gilbert Creek WV

Keeping up with service helps you reach your destinations and helps your vehicle run smoothly for years to come. We know the importance of you being on the road and getting around town. Let our team help make sure your vehicle stays in top condition.

Our service team can handle everything your vehicle needs. We are experts in all things Toyota, so we can take care of routine maintenance, like oil changes and inspections and address repairs to your brakes, engine, or transmission. Schedule your next appointment with us online or by contacting our service center.

Visit Our Toyota Dealership

Is a Toyota the right choice for you? Here at Thornhill Toyota, we encourage you to check out the selection we have and find the vehicle you need to navigate the roads.

We are proud to be a Toyota dealer near Gilbert Creek, West Virginia. We want to ensure that you get behind the wheel of the ride you want, make the right deal, and stay on the road with proper service. We look forward to seeing you soon at our dealership. Contact us today!

Contact Us

Thornhill Toyota

119 South, 63 Admiral Road
Chapmanville, WV 25508
Driving Directions
Main 304-855-8200
Service 304-855-8256
Parts 304-855-8255
Monday 9:00AM - 7:00PM
Tuesday 9:00AM - 7:00PM
Wednesday 9:00AM - 7:00PM
Thursday 9:00AM - 7:00PM
Friday 9:00AM - 7:00PM
Saturday 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Tuesday 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Wednesday 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Thursday 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Friday 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Tuesday 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Wednesday 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Thursday 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Friday 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed